A letter to Fidelia Fiske 1854



Addressed to Miss Fidelia Fiske Oroomiah, Persia.  And written on a piece of paper measuring 4″ x 5 1/2″

Shelburne Aug 19th 1854

My dear Aunt Fidelia, 

My health is very good. I like to read a letter. I was pleased when Mr. Clere taught me. I learn my geography and Arithmetic and Catechism. I like to live in Shelburne best but I like to live in Hartford to learn to be wise and to love Jesus Christ. I read in my Bible about Jesus Christ. I love you . I hope you are all well. My Mother and father sends love to you very much. My grandmother sends love to you also my sisters and myself. 

Your affectionate niece

Hannah W, Fiske